Past Speakers:

Nancy Armstrong
Executive Producer of the film "The Disruptors", Co-Founder of MAKERS


Katherine Reynolds Lewis
Speaker, Journalist and Parent Educator


Rosetta Lee
Educator, Diversity Speaker, School Consultant


Max Stossel
Head of Education at the Center for Humane Technology, Poet, Filmmaker 


Dr. Ned Hallowell
Psychiatrist, nation's leading expert on ADHD and author Driven to DistractionDelivered from DistractionSuper-Parenting for ADD and more!


Ralph Fletcher
Writers' Workshop educator and award-winning Children's author Marshfield MemoriesHello, Harvest MoonSpider Boy, and Fig Pudding


Grace Lin
Award-winning children's author A Big Moon Cake for Little StarThe Ugly VegetablesWhere the Mountain Meets the MoonWhen the Sea Turned to SilverStarry River of the Sky, and more!


Debby Irving
Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race


Zoe Weil
The World Becomes What We Teach: Educating a Generation of SolutionariesMost Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful LifeThe Power and Promise of Humane Education and Above All, Be Kind: Raising a Humane Child in Challenging Times.


Meenoo Rami


Tony Wagner
Most Likely to Succeed, Creating Innovators and The Global Achievement Gap


Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair
The Big Disconnect


Dr. Ross Greene
Raising Human Beings, Lost at School and The Explosive Child


Cindy Horgan
Executive Director of Cape Cod Children's Place




“I would like to thank you all for the recent educational series offered by NLS this winter given by Cindy Horgan, which incorporated several current and sensitive topics with regards to parenting and child development for the Nantucket community. I have had the opportunity to attend several of Cindy’s workshops - she never disappoints no matter what the topic! Cindy provides solid, beneficial information in a practical format. Her passion to help parents and educators comprehend the complexities of each of the topics on behalf of the child is/was clearly expressed through her presentation. Cindy is capable of quickly sizing up her attendees and is able to accommodate their level of understanding and needs providing solutions or suggestions where necessary. How lucky the community was to be able to have this opportunity to learn from Cindy’s guidance. This series provided current research and a level of understanding for all stake holders. On behalf of the children that I work with, again, I thank you very much for this opportunity!”

– Michele Perry, Educator


“Thank you for setting up the talk with Cindy Horgan.  It was a pleasure to hear her share her passion, knowledge, and experience with raising healthy boys. Great job on bringing this to our community - it was very beneficial!”
– Kevin Korn, Nantucket Lighthouse School Parent